4SİM Talks: Accelerating Technological Advancements for State-Owned Companies

06 December 2023

On December 5th, the Center for Analysis and Coordination of the Fourth Industrial Revolution under the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan organized the next event called "4SİM Talks." This series of events was specifically organized for representatives of state-owned companies under the management of the Azerbaijan Investment Holding.


Fariz Jafarov, Executive Director of "C4IR," provided participants with information about the activities of "4IR," current projects, initiatives related to artificial intelligence outlined in the New Generation Economic Strategy, collaboration with the World Economic Forum through "C4IR," and the implementation of new technologies in the field of e-commerce.


Abbas Mammadov, Director of the International Financial Institutions, Collaboration and Privatization Preparation Department of the Azerbaijan Investment Holding, provided information about the activities of the Azerbaijan Investment Holding. He also discussed corporate governance standards implemented in portfolio companies managed by the Azerbaijan Investment Holding in recent years, achieved successes, implemented reforms, and future plans.


Aytug Goksu, head of the Network and Government Relations Department of the Fourth Industrial Revolution Centers network of the World Economic Forum, informed participants about trends related to the digital transformation of the global economy.


The event featured discussions on "4IR Solutions for Portfolio Companies" by Ruslan Zeynalzada, "Attracting Digital Foreign Investments" by Matthew Stephenson, "Generative Artificial Intelligence" by Ilya Arkhipov, and a Siemens success story in applying "4IR" technologies in industry by Pavel Goncharov. Vandana Menon from the World Economic Forum presented on "C4IR Networks" and related initiatives, rounding off the informative session.


The "4SİM Talks" are series of events organized continuously in various audiences to enhance awareness in the application of "4IR" technologies. The main goal of this initiative is to increase awareness in the field of artificial intelligence, cloud technology, blockchain, 3D printing, virtual reality, and other "4IR" technologies among representatives of universities, the public sector, and private sector.


C4IR is the Main Partner of the "InMerge" Innovation Summit


C4IR Supervisory Board discusses strategic plans for 2024-2025


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